Name - leaerior
Type -grass/fighting/ground/physic
Evolution - trerpior
Attacks -1.leaf hurricane2.diamond dinamic punch3.poison toxic tornado4.leaf dinamic cage
Pokedex Color -green/red
Species - mammal
Weight and Height -200lbs 5 meters tall
egg group-leaf
Ability -disable
Name -simsperior Type -flare dragon
Evolution -simsbour
Attacks - 1.shadow dinamic demon claw2.demon gates ball3.extreme steel pledge4.extreme water ball
Pokedex Color -cherryred
Species -mammal
Weight and Height - 100lbs 6 meters tall
Ability - fire blaze control
Egg Group -flare
if you wont any information ask Lincoln miller son of Mrs.miller.
Wow Lincoln ... those are some very creative Pokemon characters! I love your imagination, it's awesome :-)
Aunt Michelle